Res­i­den­tial Field in Per­vo­lia, Larnaca

#15333 Residential Field in Pervolia, Larnaca

A residential field with total land area of 43.598 sqm in Pervolia Village, Larnaca.

It has a rather rectangular shape with a frontage of 95 meters. Its surface is flat and even.

The immediate area has a strong rural character and it consists of permanent (detached and semi-detached houses) and holiday homes as well as unutilized parcels of land. The wider area consists of tourist related developments, restaurants, taverns etc. It enjoys good accessibility towards the surrounding areas.

The asset falls within the Residential Planning Zone H2, with building density coefficient of 90%, coverage coefficient 50%, in 2 floors and 8.3 metres height.

Main information
  • Region Larnaca
  • District Village
  • Location Meneou/Kiti/Softades/Pervolia
  • Sale price €2.850.000
  • Plot size 43598 m2
  • Title deeds
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