Fine details of festive decorations

Every time on the New Year's Eve, we invest a lot of efforts and resources in decorating our homes: we understand that this kind of holiday happens only once a year, more so it is also a vacation period when we can enjoy the Christmas tree, garlands and all kinds of decorations to the full extent. Therefore we would like to share some ideas with you.
You can fill any large transparent container - an empty aquarium, a clear vase or a curvy jar with wide neck – with multi-colored tinsel and Christmas decorations, add colourful beads and fur-tree cones… Also you can fill it with tangerines or oranges, nuts, colored ribbons ... Try to use your imagination! As a result you will have a great Christmas decoration that will make you feel delighted. You can as well add emphasis to your creation. For instance, you can put it near the entrance and it will welcome your guests setting them on a mood for celebration.
While decorating the Christmas Tree, an essential element of decoration in your apartment, please do not forget to dilute the usual Christmas decorations with treats for kids and symbols of the year. For this purpose you can use nuts dressed in colourful rustling candy wrappers, candy, apples and tangerines decorated with ribbons and spicy clove.
How do you prepare these mandarins? It is very simple! Take any citrus fruit (orange, tangerine, lemon) without peeling it, then stuff it with cloves and wrap ribbons around it. To make stuffing easier, make shallow cuts with a knife and then put dried spices inside the cuts all over the surface of the orange. Using cloves and ribbons you can draw detailed intricated patterns. Later on when the celebrations are over you can enjoy eating this orange.
Another option is to braid something for the Christmas Tree or for the holiday table or simply to decorate your apartment. Braided ornaments are extremely fashionable these days. You can use colourful ribbons, ropes (the furry the better!) or wire for this purpose. For instance, you can also invent a new way of fixing the Christmas decorations on a tree using metal thread or by wrapping them around the branches - that will look good as well.
You can decorate your cutlery with glass Christmas toys using golden braids and tightly wound napkins.
Gold-cloured wire can be used for making large number of balls of different sizes. They can be used as table decoration as well as candle holders.
If you have enough time and you started preparations for holiday season in advance, you can make a round lamp shade using a balloon. Blow up a balloon and generously lubricate the surface with glue. Using scotch tape fix the ends of different coloured strings and wrap the rest around the balloon shifting directions. When you get a huge tangle, go over it with a brush dipped in glue again and leave to dry for at least one day. When glue dries out, pin the ball with a needle. Using a coil cutter or a sharp knife cut a hole in the ball which should be used to adjust lamp socket. String can be replaced with a shaggy brown rope, creating an impression of a coconut. While lit from the inside, it will definitely attract attention of your guests!